Françoise Doliveux
Tel: (450) 458-2480
"Culture Shock" Script Deal. Read all about it!
"Culture Shock" is a play I've been tooling around with for about twenty years, and which
STILL ain't perfect.
The Fredericton Daily Gleaner
The Guardian
The Kingston-Whig Standard
The Kitchener Record
The Slant on Sechelt
The PII factor
The Toronto Star
But if you want to order a copy of the script as it is now, e-mail me here and I'll print up a
copy, and send it along to you. I'll even sign it, (although that may devalue the price
Apparently there is a publish-on-demand movement out there, which I don't know much about, but which
sounds like a good idea to me.
So let's see how that works.
E-mail me, ask for a copy, then when it arrives send me, what?... say Five Bucks,
cheque or money order or if you trust Canada Post, cash. Canadian Tire Money is also accepted. Can't do charge cards for
this one right now.
That's right, There's NO RISK to you. Drop me a note, I'll send you a script,
then you send me the sawbuck.
Cheers. Lorne.